David Cassidy Was A Real Musician

This one year anniversary of David Cassidy’s passing brought back an oral history moment, one that most people don’t know about.

David was cast for the (future) hit show “The Partridge Family” because TV musical groups were going strong.  However, the producers of the show did not know he could sing and play guitar. They cast him and he was supposed to lip sync someone else who would be recorded in a studio and fake playing the guitar.

David, who is the son of a well-known TV personality Jack Cassidy, tried several times to tell them that he wanted to perform the songs himself. Finally, they stopped and listened. Boy were they excited. David recorded several hit songs and went on to play Las Vegas and many many concerts.

He became a star in his own right and the TV show was the first to showcase him.


Finally: Scientific Evidence God Does Exist

DNA model
Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

Is there a God?

All you need to know:
YES. So-called scientist says that it is unscientific to believe in creation; science has proven evolution. Really? Every since science was officially practiced (discovered), man has been trying to make life: Something that could live. So, our (creation believers) challenge to you (evolutionist) is to make something that lives. We will let you use all of recorded science, all medical practices, hundreds of years of countless prior attempts, all written documents, billions of dollars of medical equipment, billions of dollars of computer equipment, and anything else you may need. Just make something that lives. If it happened by accident you surely can do better than chance.   

The Details:
It was recently reported that the young (people) in the USA are increasingly turning away from religion. One of the most common reasons is this:

1)      I learned in college that there is no God. All the professors believe in evolution because there is no scientific evidence of creationism.

So, I’m going to prove there is a God. And no, this isn’t a new cult teaching or a revelation from a current profit. For many of you, you will be disappointed to know that I’m using the old fashion Christian Bible and SCIENCE

You only need to read this paragraph to know if it’s creation (God) or evolution (no God only nature) who spawned life and all that is in the world. To settle this discussion all evolutionist need to do is create something that lives. They claim life happened accidentally in nature due to billions of years of “chance.” If so, create something that is living. And, we will let them cheat by using billions of dollars of medical equipment, billions of dollars in medical research, and billions of dollars of computers. Scientist has always attempted to create life. Before the discovery of DNA, scientist thought it would be a simple thing. Try as they might they just can’t create a living organism, no matter how basic. We will settle for an amoeba. Creationists don’t need to prove anything. Just look around and you will see life everywhere and in every size and shape. There are over 10 million different forms of life on earth; each one has different DNA. Thus life would have had to “accidentally, through chance” happen for each of those forms. Plus just look at our world and all the wonders and beauty in it. If all this didn’t happen through evolution (a one chance in a billion, billions) then it had to have been created. Who else but God could do it?

It’s crazy that modern Darwinism claims to be steeped in science. The discovery of DNA in the modern era threw that into a tailspin. A co-discoverer of DNA (a Nobel Prize winner) is a creationist and when he was asked if he thought it possible for DNA to “happen as a random act of nature, (as in Darwinism)” he answered “No.” Then, attempting to explain evolution, he concluded: “We were seeded.” Huh? Yes, this modern creationist explains DNA as having come from outer space as a seed (just like Adam in the Bible).

One reason for the seeding explanation is that Earth is not old enough; not by billions of years, for a chance combination of the billions of particles of DNA placed exactly in order and then reduced to the size to fit into a single cell, so small a microscope is needed to see it. Something that man can’t do even now.  Then it must also be able to reproduce itself. And then, it must mutate into the ten million different life forms that are currently here on Earth.

Evolutionist had to introduce two new fields of “science” to try to explain this, theoretical biology and mathematical biology. Why these two words? The evolutionist cannot prove evolution in a way that meets recent scientific standards: They throw in “theoretical” as in theory (something unproven) and try to mask it as science by adding “biology” to it. By doing this it makes it sound as if it is science: But it isn’t. It’s biology that they can’t prove scientifically.

And then “mathematical” biology is added to try to bolster a scientific claim that it is mathematically possible to overcome the insurmountable odds against random selection in nature to produce life. Using math to prove biology? Shouldn’t they use biology to prove biology? They are trying to prove “theoretical” biology by using”mathematical biology. The evolutionist has to massage the numbers to explain that the Earth is old enough for DNA to go through a billion combinations of possibilities to finally produce life. They do this with the old bait and switch method. They talk scientific biology and then switch to the theoretical and mathematical biology; unproven sciences.

Evolutionist can’t explain life by using widely excepted standards of proof for scientific discoveries. For a scientific discovery to be excepted it must follow these rules: The discoverer must have made the discovery, must have it published in a scientific journal, must be able to fully explain it in writing, and then others, not associated with the first group, must be able to use those writings and come up with the exact same product/conclusion. Evolutionist can’t even meet the first part of this. To do so they would have to produce something that lives.

Enough is enough. Let’s just settle this right now. Scientists have billions of dollars of medical and research equipment at their disposal. In fact, several decades ago when the computer reached the speed of one megahertz, they confidently predicted that within ten years they will be able to break the DNA code. (Note; that was several decades ago and they haven’t been able to do it. Today we have computers that are more than a hundred times that speed.) We creationist challenge evolutionist to make a life form. Any life form. Just make something that lives. Of course, it then must be able to reproduce. It should be simple for them, after all, it occurred by accident in nature here on Earth; so they claim. An Earth that was nothing but water and dust blowing around. They throw in static electricity to give it the power to combine. You know, like Frankenstein.

Evolutionist can’t believe there is a God. They challenge us to explain where God came from. I don’t know where God came from. I don’t know where or how my TV came to be. I don’t know who invented it, who produced it, or who brought it to market, but I know TVs exist and I’m going to watch it, none the less. Radio waves carry a mind-boggling amount of information magically (so it seems) through the air, yet, I can’t see or feel it. However, scientists can prove its existence by using accepted scientific principles. A wristwatch is billions of time simpler than DNA, yet, I’ve not heard of someone finding one on the ground, placed there by spontaneous mixing of elements. Stone Hinge is a very basic formation. One can tell it was man made by merely looking at it. Evolutionist accepts the placement of a few boulders in a way contrary to the norm to prove they were man-made. But they won’t accept that DNA was was God made. 

Evolutionism is contrary to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which includes–and is accepted by all–that everything is in a state of decay. Everything, according to the evolutionist, except life. Instead of the wind and dust and electricity trying to seek their natural state, they combined and formed a higher state–life. The one exception?

So all you creationist, when fronted by an evolutionist, just ask them to show you. No excuses. They have all the equipment to do this. JUST SHOW US!

PS Fox news reported that paleontologists have discovered fossils of 130 million years old insects. Here is a quote from the report: It also “proves through direct fossil evidence how some morphological traits related to hatching and linked behaviors, at least in insect embryos, have been subject to a high degree of evolutionary conservatism,” according to the study’s abstract. What’s evolutionary conservatism? They are saying that there is no evidence of evolution.

PPS A new report explains the recent sighting and tagging of a bluntnose shark: Teams from “…OceanX and Florida State University, the bluntnose sixgill shark is largely still an unknown to researchers, despite having been on the planet for nearly 200 million years.” Yet,  no evidence of evolution. 

Government Shutdowns Under Dems

When the government was shut down under  President Obama due to a budget impasse, all non-essential services were also shut down. That meant that places like the Smithsonian Museum that required staff to sell tickets and provide security to the exhibits had to close.

To be sure the shutdown would hurt the public as much as possible  (because that is what liberals do) armed security services were sent out to put yellow tape up across open-air venues. Venues that require no personnel to watch over it. The Obama government was paying security forces to keep people out of and off of venues normally open to the public in public. It cost nothing to leave those venues open and unmolested but cost thousands of dollars to keep people out.

The mainstream media did not report this fact. It only showed people being turned away. After all, it’s those mean-spirited Rebs causing the pain by not going along with an overspending budget.

California Dumping Precious Drinking Water

In drought-prone California liberals, who are in charge of that state, began releasing billions of gallons of fresh water into the ocean. Water that California’s farmers and rancher desperately need. Why??? Because a tiny fish called the delta smelt is endangered. The population of the smelt has been decreasing quickly and liberals took a hard look at the problem.

In keeping with liberal thinking, the politicians asked, what would hurt people the most? The answer was to dump vitally needed fresh water into a river that runs into the ocean. The justification used (keep in mind that the reason is to hurt people); the diversion of fresh water onto farmer’s and rancher’s land must be depriving the precious smelt of needed fresh water, so, let’s give them our precious water. Water that is being wasted (in liberal think) upon growing crops and raising food stocks. Things that are absolutely necessary to the human population. The science behind this thinking? None. Some liberal thought that this justification sounded good so they went with it.

Nothing is dependant upon the smelt. No industry, no environmental cleanup, no recreational activities, nothing.

In 2005, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) gave the opinion that diverting fresh water to ranchers and farmlands did not adversely affect the smelt. Liberals took them to court and after being harassed for years and running out of money for courts, they reversed their opinion. It was judges that made the final decisions. Those (liberal) judges found “experts” of their own, ones that agreed with them and the ruling: Human to hell, out with the fresh water. After years of dumping water, there is no measurable benefit to the smelt. It is all for naught, yet, liberals continue to dump the water which has caused over 200,000 acres to go fallow and cost tens of thousands of food-related jobs. This has cost Californian’s billions of dollars.

Prologue: The vast majority of liberals believe in evolution, the survival of the fittest, but, when a weak link is about to disappear they do everything to save it. Doesn’t evolution teach that life forms evolve to fit their environment and needs? Those that don’t go extinct, as they should. New life forms are being discovered every day and if none are allowed to go extinct how long will it take for them, with the help of liberals, to push humans out of this world?

Midnight Basketball by Pres Clinton


Then President Clinton advocated keeping recreational centers open until after midnight to see if there were kids, juveniles, that wanted to play basketball. Of course, it was a dumb thing to do, and just like Dems expected, Republicans merely scratched their heads and disagreed.

No one seemed to understand the logic in this. Here it is: Most cities have curfew laws. Usually around 10 PM. After that, the police can stop the juvenile and cite him/her and return them to their home. The one exception was if they were en route to a logical place of safety.

Midnight basketball provided every juvenile a place he/she could tell officers that they were en route to. Thus, they could stay out after curfew without their parent’s consent. If stopped by officers they merely claimed to be going to the local recreation center.

The net reason juveniles were wanted out and about was so they could buy/sell drugs or so they could commit crimes that enabled them to do so.

FLASH: Drug dealers donate heavily to political parties and causes, or should I say party. If you wonder which party you are naive. They don’t donate to the historical law and order party, Republican. That is why President Obama bragged about doing cocaine and wish he had the money for more. It’s in his book. Dreams From My Father.

Illustration: Vecteezy.com

Dems Continue To Sink To Their Natural (Low) Depth, Kavanaugh

An “October” surprise in the United State’s supreme court nomination of Kavanaugh. For those of you who are not old enough to hold the title of “oral history depositor,” such as I, Dems are prone to roll out an outrageous accusation against the Rep’s presidential nomination (or any Rep candidate) late in October. It is too late for the victim to have time enough to dispel the “rumor,” and the Dem controlled media which runs with the story. It has cost the Reps dearly in the past.

Senator DiFi had a supposed sexual harassment allegation against Kavanaugh since July but released it Thursday,  just before the vote to seat Kavanaugh. Just as in the October surprise for Mitt Romney it dates back to his high school years. Mitt’s surprise cost the Reps the election.

If you don’t know about it, it was rumored that Mitt and his friends ran a gay boy down and roughed him up during their high school years. The boy in question had since passed away so it was impossible to confirm the rumor with him, however, the family of the boy strongly denied that it had occurred. They told the press (who lent a death ear) that the two were very good friends and he would be appalled to see his friend Mitt smeared. That the boy wasn’t “out of the closet,” in his high school days and Mitt was asked to be a pallbearer for his funeral.

If you are a Dem how can you stand by and watch all the cheating and lying done by them and their dominated mainstream media? And if you believe the Dem’s cheating and lying, why? Or better yet, how? What is wrong with your moral fabric that you can’t tell the truth from the lie?

Evergreen College steals thousands of public dollars to wrongly terrorize a farm.

Evergreen College in Washington state used thousands of dollars of public school funds to bus people 178 miles to terrorize a farm that had an employee die. The “college” (environmental terrorist) wrongly claimed that a farm’s working conditions caused the death, later determined to be natural. The college now wishes to offer an apology to the public from which it stole the money and to the farm that had to deal with terrorizing demonstrations. In any other situation, jail would be appropriate and jail should be the remedy here along with restitution. The college, who knew at the time of the demonstrations that they were illegally using public money, wants us to trust that they handled the situation internally. After all, the faculty thieves were given a strong “reprimand.” A strong “don’t do it again, oh no, the theft was okay, but don’t get caught again.”

The liberal intellectually superior collegiate ilk feel that their superiority should bar them from the same rules that we mortals must live by. If this was a conservative institution it would be demanded that people lose their jobs and people go to jail. The money must be paid back.


What’s wrong with the Republican Party: From Lincoln to, but not including, President Trump

“It is said that history is written by the winners,” George Orwell. But not so in the USA, it is written by Democrats who dominate in the education and publishing fields.

President Lincoln and the American Civil War is one example where “what really happened,” plus common-sense conclusions do not equate to what the history pundits teach us. This history must be resolved by filtering it with common sense interpretations and the passing of time; that is history post the Civil War and post President Lincoln. But when we tell the truth we are called “mean-spirited,” because it is so detrimental to the Democrat Party’s image. And if there is one thing the Republican deep-state does not want (so it appears) it is to be called “mean-spirited,” by Democrats and liberals. This terminal malady is being treated (finally) with the election of President Trump who disregards political correctness. Yet the historical records need to be corrected. Today, politicians want to press their advantage of being in control with unfettered influence. They do everything they can to bend the “common-sense,” approach to fit their various corrupted enterprises. President Trump was stopping this gravy train.

President Lincoln sealed his own fate when he insisted on having a Democrat nominated as the Vice President on the GOP ticket for his re-election bid in 1864. To do this Lincoln had to quit the GOP (Republicans were against it) formed a political party of his own, and nominated himself as President and Andrew Johnson (a Democrat) as Vice President: Who becomes arguably worse president ever. Then Lincoln offers to rejoin the GOP if they accept his ticket. This was done, and the GOP had a Republican nominated as President and a Democrat nominated as Vice President. There is no common-sense explanation for his bizarre actions. This can only be explained as Civil War “political correctness,” much like what the Republican Party of today tolerates. Lincoln’s compromises cost tens of thousands of lives. Here’s how:

Because of this compromise, after Lincoln’s assassination, the Confederate States of America, who are primarily populated by Democrats and loses the war, winds up holding the office of the President of the United States of America. This was planned at the highest ranks of the Confederacy. It was planned that after the assassination Johnson would become the President and then cease the war in favor of the South. What wasn’t planned was the South losing the war before the plot could be carried out. We know that the president of the Confederate States authorized the assassination of Lincoln using the argument that Lincoln first authorized his assassination. Of course, we know that Lincoln did no such thing and his reputation alone would deny this rumor. Now, President Johnson wasted no time in thwarting the desires of his dead loyal friend, Lincoln. He showed his true colors as a traitor in his lenient dealings with the South. He was impeached for future actions and came within one vote (due to bribery to acquit) of being ousted.

It’s well documented that John Wilks Booth traveled to Canada where the “CIA” of the Confederacy operated openly. It is known that he received a payment from them. This is where the obvious is abandoned — by “historians” – and takes on a Democrat bias. The assassination plot targeted not just the President, but the Vice President (the Democrat) and the Secretary of State as well. The assassination of Lincoln was tasked to the most competent of the gaggle, Booth. That of the Secretary of State by the next most competent. Indeed, when the attack on Secretary Seward went awry, caused by a gun’s failure to fire, the assassin resorted to knife and bludgeoning. He was overwhelmed by Seward’s staff and Seward barely survived the vicious attack. However, the assassination of VP Johnson was not even attempted; no action taken whatsoever. The cover story was that the assigned assassin backed out at the last minute and went to a local bar and got drunk. Can we all say, “yeah right?”

When Booth fled, after the assassination, he was tacked down by the army. The soldiers were commanded not to fire upon him and take him, prisoner– at all costs; a vital and irreplaceable prisoner. Booth was cornered and was about to be burned out of his hiding place and taken prisoner. Against the standing orders, a shot rang out and Booth laid dead. The shot was fired inexplicably by a Sergeant. With Booth’s death, the only direct link to the South’s assassin plan was erased. No doubt this Sergeant was among the South’s spies.

In the North spying, espionage, and other traitorous affairs were very common. Fourteen Senators were expelled for sympathizing with the South. Southern sympathizers infiltrated nearly every aspect of the North’s affairs and reported back to the South when able. Washington D.C. was in a slave sympathizing state, Maryland. Just across the Potomac River was Virginia and not far away was the capital of the Confederacy Richmond. Washington D.C. was an island surrounded by Confederate sympathizers.  The nearest Union territory was a hundred miles away. The only reason Maryland didn’t cede with the other states was that they knew that the North would immediately invade them to capture and keep the capital from becoming a hostage.

When the war began it was the North that had a standing army and with it had an administration, a chain of command, quartermasters to supply it, and all the other logistics necessary for war, the South didn’t. When it came time to choose a leader for the Army of the Potomac, Lincoln chose General Irwin McDowell at the urging of Salmon Chase. The loyalties of Chase and McDowell came into question after the war. During the 1864 presidential election and while the civil war was still raging, Chase attempted to get the nomination for president as a DEMOCRAT.  He lost to General McClellan (more about him later).  The Democratic platform called for the immediate end to the war: essentially giving the South the win. McClellan campaigned vowing to continue the war. However, he had already made known his desire to end the war and let the South cede. His so-called change of heart was, no doubt, words only in an attempt to get the soldier’s vote. It failed.  They must have had support in the South to attempt this. The Democratic party was heavily influenced by the sheer number of Democrats that lived in the South.

Back to McDowell, he explained his ineptitude at 1st Bull Run by claiming he needed to get more supplies, get additional soldiers. and the recurring excuse that he wanted to be cautious. Let’s just call this “McDowellism.” Lincoln had to order him to attack. Lincoln wanted the attack before the South could organize. McDowell stumbled and bumbled around for an additional two days,  thus, he gave the South much-needed time to call their militias up and organize a line of defense. He failed to demand even minimal military discipline from his men allowing them to straggle to the battle’s location on their own. He had no experience for the job, he was a Quarter Master. The Union had many West Point graduates and men with combat experience. This was an inexcusable choice, no doubt, pressed upon Lincoln by someone he trusted, Chase.

The plans for McDowell’s attack were leaked to a spy who delivered them to the South’s army. Even though McDowell had the larger and better-trained army he bumbled into an attack and was soundly defeated. He was promptly demoted to a field general’s role. Then again at the battle of Second Bull Run his command became “lost in the woods,” and failed to get into position for the attack by the Union army. Even then he questioned and delayed orders. One commanding officer, General Pope, stated of McDowell, “God damn McDowell! He’s never where he’s supposed to be!” There was much talk of him being a traitor. McDowell was then sent to California where he could do little harm.

Lincoln continued to make errors in his choices to lead the army. Under his generals, Irvin McDowell, George McClellan, Joseph Hooker, and George G. Meade, the army had more defeats than victories.

Under Lincoln’s policy of being all-inclusive, he promoted General George McClellan to replace McDowell as the commander of the Army of the Potomac, whose adversary was General Lee. This was despite McClellan’s openly disdain of Lincoln and his hatred of abolitionists. (As stated above, McClellan would run against Lincoln’s re-election bid in 1864, as a Democrat. His platform was to allow the South to cede and end the war at once; the exact goal of the Confederacy. In other words — SURRENDER. Yet, Lincoln appointed him despite his known beliefs.

Before the Battle of Antietam, the battle plans for Lee’s army came into the hands of the Union Army, and thus, McClellan. Who promptly refused to take full advantage of them because he feared they might be fake. He needlessly delayed his army’s deployment to Antietam by a day which gave General Lee valuable time to fortify his defense and get reinforcement. McClellan had a two-to-one superiority in numbers over Lee’s army, but he used the excuse that he thought Lee had many more troops than he did. This “estimate,” existed only in his own mind and was not based on any intelligence. It was contrary to the facts at hand. During the battle, McClellan only committed three-quarters of his soldiers and held the rest in reserve. Despite this voluminous reserve, when one of his generals was making good progress and had victory in sight, all he needed was reinforcements, McClellan claimed he had none when in fact he had two fresh corps in reserve. The Union army had the momentum. The army of the South was routed; unable to fall back and form a defense line. Total victory was at hand. A route is always followed by a never-ending attack. The attacking army can easily pick off the opposing army piecemeal.  But, McClellan stopped the attack and allowed the South to escape. Lee’s army was able to fall far to the rear where they had additional support and could set up a line of defense. The generals under McClellan wanted to press the attack, Lincoln wanted him to press the attack: In fact, he gave McClellan a direct order. McClellan inexcusably disobeyed the order. This opportunity to win the war meant that another 250,000+, men would needlessly die. There is no logical excuse for McClellan’s actions other than those presented here. His loyalties were to the South.

Men like McClellan justified these traitorous actions because they saw themselves as nation builders. In other words, he, General Hooker, and General Meade all suffered from McDowellism.

At last, Lincoln noticed a general out west that was winning battles: In fact, he gave the Union their very first major victory. Ulises S. Grant, a Republican, cured the army of its McDowellism. Now the Union had a general who believed in the war’s noble principles and was loyal to the Union and Lincoln. He had two generals under him that shared the same enthusiasm, Generals Sheridan and Sherman. All three picked off pieces of the South’s army until General Lee had to break and run. This time the attack was pressed, Lee was run down and his army fled the battlefield pell-mell in a rout. The war was over. This is what would have happened at the battle of 1st Bull Run (the very first battle) and Antietam. Both McClellan and McDowell disobeyed direct orders given by Lincoln. And in each case, hundreds of thousands of lives would have been saved.

Lincoln had just been re-elected, the war was over, and one would expect Lincoln to be able to savor the moment. He did. His mistake in insisting that a Democrat share the victory as the VP candidate was just another blunder that cost the USA dearly, but Lincoln even more.

When the war started the Confederacy had thousands of sympathizers already living in the North. They are a people without morals. Not only did they believe in slavery they fought and killed and died to keep slavery. It was cancer in the USA.

Republican’s desire to be the nice guy, to go over and above what would normally be called for, makes them utterly unable to compete. President Trump’s victory was the Republican rank and file telling the deep-state Republicans that we don’t want to play the fool for Democrats. In 1934, Joseph Stalin realized the Communist Party in the Christian USA, could not prevail. One cannot be a Communist if one believes in Christ; It’s in the book. He then instructed his communist to infiltrate the existing political parties. Guess which one they infiltrated. Right, both. They have now taken over the Democratic Party and infiltrated the Republican Party enough to sabotage it. They almost staged a coup. Had Clinton been elected it would have been the end of Democracy. The Democrat-controlled Oligarchy in the USA would be in control and able to direct investigations to smother the opposition. The purse strings of the USA would be open to them.

History Resolve’s Definitions with Comments


One who knows right from wrong, usually does right, occasionally wrong, but then gets back on the right road.

One who refuses to admit what is right or wrong, HATES those that do, and blocks those who try to do right.

Politically Correct Defined:
Information, conduct, and/or support that is completely controlled by the mainstream media; always aiding liberals and their causes while libeling conservatives and their causes.  These goals are the same as those for the communist party, thus, controlled by the communist party.

One who pursues a course of action, once popular, currently disparaged but eventually proven correct by the revolution of new facts and the passage of time.