The Ukraine Invaded? Haven’t We Seen This Before?

Back pre-WWII Hitler told England and France that he wanted a strip of land in Czechoslovakia that bordered Germany. England and France said okay, but nothing more. Of course, only Czechoslovakia was paying the price and they did not agree. Germany walked in and took the land without a shot.

Can we say Crimea? Under Obama, Russia was allowed to walk in and have the Crimea; to the dismay of Ukraine. Major wars have been fought over just the Crimea.

Then, naturally, Germany said they wanted all of Czechoslovakia. England and France went to Germany to stress to Hitler that he can have Czechoslovakia but had to sign a treaty stating that he could have nothing more. Neville Chamberlin, England’s leader, went back to England and waved a piece of paper over his head and kept yelling, “Peace in our time.”  All the people hailed him as a hero. Again, Czechoslovakia refused, and again, Germany walked in and took it without resistance. When Hitler was asked about that paper, he stated that it meant nothing. Chamberlin was disgraced.

Can we say Ukraine? The very weak response by President Biden was an invitation to Russia and a signal that there would be no objections from the free world.

And what happened after Czechoslovakia? WWII. And what will happen after Ukraine? Russia has already threatened Finland and Sweden. The same threat was given to Ukraine before being invaded.  

Pompous Liberals

Something that makes me upset are double-faced liberals. You know, those that put black people, or other minorities, playing roles that are traditionally played by whites, whether it be in employment, sports, or entertainment, and then they step back and rube the noses of conservatives in it. WHAT?

These are the same people that fought a war to keep slavery, and when that failed, they had the government come in and put them back into slavery by promising them free stuff all paid for by “other people’s money” you know, government.

They take the position that conservatives are racist because conservatives feel that minorities don’t need special help from the government. Conservatives feel that minorities can compete on a level playing field. They don’t need pampering. Its liberals being racist for even thinking such thoughts.

But of course, this does not bode well for any minority that didn’t take advantage of free schooling, or those that chose to chip away, and eventually become addicted to drugs; or of course, where just plane lazy. If conservatives point these failing out, liberals use the power of the mass media (need I have to point out that they are totally controlled by liberals) to shout conservatives down. No one ever hears the conservative’s side.

Conservatives are kept busy trying to put out their side. Unfortunately, they are failing miserably. The number of conservatives in the mass media is just too small. Why is that? Because liberals are dishonest lying cheating creatures. As they slowly infiltrated various levels in mass media, they unabashedly promote those with similar ethics. Conservatives elevates persons using honest criteria. Meaning that some of those elevated will be conserves and some will be liberal.

Alex Baldwin? Murderer?

Ammo cartriges

I’ve hesitated to make any remarks about the Alex Baldwin shooting, which killed a crew member. I know how devastating it is. I know he anguishes over the fact that he can’t go back in time and fix things, how he dreads the incident.

That being said, I’m a little concerned that some people are giving him a pass because he was told the gun was unloaded. I suppose most people are not familiar with basic gun safety because they don’t handle guns.

Let me put it in a way all of you can understand. Suppose you are driving a car and you stop at a stop sign. There is no stop sign for cross traffic. In fact, it’s a highway, and the vehicles travel very fast. You check that there is no traffic coming from your side, the left side. Your passenger then calls out that the traffic is clear from the right. You pull into traffic only to be broadsided from the right. Someone dies. Do you think the investigating officers will list your passenger as the cause of the crash on the traffic accident report? No, you will be listed as causing the accident.

Basic gun safety (as everyone who is handed a gun should be taught) demands that when a person is handed a gun, they shall physically check to see if it is loaded. A gun is just as deadly as a car! And since there was live ammo on the set, each bullet should be checked. How long does it take to inspect a revolver? About 5 seconds. All dummy rounds are marked in some way. Always the bullet’s primer cap will have a firing pin strike mark indicating it has already been fired or can’t be fired without it being replaced. How to check for live rounds? Push the cylinder release button, swing the cylinder out; the primers for all six bullets can be seen at once. One mature and experienced motion picture armorer said of the 24-year-old armored used by the Rust movie, “A mature armored will have 24 years of experience.”

Does Baldwin support the police? Well, here is an expert from the New York Post: Baldwin, 63, had tweeted on Sept. 23, 2017, about Huntington Beach police officer Eric Esparza being caught on video shooting dead Dillan Tabares, 27, who’d punched him and reached for his gun. “I wonder how it must feel to wrongfully kill someone,” the actor wrote of the police shooting, [one] that the Orange County District Attorney’s Office later ruled had been justified. Now he knows.
New York Post, By Lee Brown, October 22, 2021

The entire incident is on video. Esparza was fighting for his life. The taser was ineffective. The only weapon left to Esparza was his gun, for which he had to fight the suspect for control. Afterward, thanks to the likes of Baldwin, he had to justify the shooting time and time again in various courts. He faced being wrongfully charged criminally, sued, fired, and/or suspended. Finally, an appeals court found in his favor FOUR years later and dropped all the criminal complaints. Is it over? Nope, he and the city are being sued civilly.

Gabby Petito and Brian Laundrie:

Police from Moab are being criticized for not doing more when they responded to a domestic violence call between the two. From the body camera footage released It was Gabby who would have been jailed. Brian accused her of hitting him and she admitted to it.

If she would have been arrested it would have surely saved her life. The officers would have been heralded as heroes. Right?

While the outcome would have been much better, had the officers arrested Gabby, they or anyone, not being able to see into the future and predict the death of Gabby, they would have come under attack. Women groups would have torn them to pieces. Yet that is the law. The officers took over an hour trying to convince Gabby to leave him. Through crying eyes she apologized for hitting Brian. While it was obvious that she was the victim, the officers had to abide by what was said, not felt. 

This is the 9/11 syndrome. For instance, had the FBI stopped the hijackers at the terminals and not allowed them to board the planes the terrorist attacks that killed over 3,000, persons would never have happened. But, since it didn’t occur, it would look as though the FBI were being racist, anti-Middle East. They would have been criticized for being overzealous. Groups that represent Middle Eastern peoples would have sued. The agents would have been subjected to legal harassment for, possibly, years. The FBI wouldn’t be able to say, “Look, we saved 3,000, lives.” And if they tried to make such a claim everyone would have deemed them ludicrous. What an outlandish claim.

That’s the problem with law enforcement. Their number one duty is to prevent crime. And when they do, the crooks argue that law enforcement isn’t necessary. (Let’s be honest, the defund the police movement is really led and joined by dishonest people.) How do people recognize a danger they are protected from? Law enforcement is criticized for not protecting the public and they are criticized when they do.

We live in a society where people are either predators or prey. In the U.S.A.  it appears that people who identify as predators are tipping the scales over those who identify as prey (honest persons).

Trump’s “Impeachable” Remarks

People voting

FB will play an intricate part in our 2022, elections by silencing the leader of the Rep party, Trump for an additional 2 years. Social media has turned into oligarchs. Exactly like Russia and NAZI Germany. He’s being band because he told his follower to march down Pennsylvania Avenue. If he made inciteful remarks why aren’t those remarks leading every news media story? Why not show Americans the remarks coming from Trump’s mouth? Then Trump can’t deny them. Every news outlet had them recorded. (Fox and NewsMax did repeat them.)
Well, I read the entire transcript. Here are those remarks:”I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”
And:”So let’s walk down Pennsylvania Avenue.” (End of speech.)
Dems did not offer any other inflammatory remarks by Trump during the inquisition they called impeachment. NONE. His hateful remarks were not rebroadcast over every liberal media because there were none. Their one and only remark (taken out of context), “We fight like hell. And if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore,” he said.
But in a paragraph before this remark, he said, “But our fight against the big donors, big media, big tech, and others is just getting started. This is the greatest in history. There’s never been a movement like that.
He also said Reps have to fight in the primaries. All his fighting remarks were about political campaigns. Just like Dems who say they have to “fight,” in theirs.
How did it go wrong? ANTIFA (supported by communist George Soros) infiltrated the crowd. They ginned up a few of the demonstrators who thought they were part of the Trump supporters who then followed them. Then mob phycology took over. How do we know? Because an ANTIFA leader was filmed at the front of the group. Near where the woman was killed. When outed he said he was there to record the actions. When have you ever seen a “journalist” leading a group they were reporting on? In fact, the first 5 persons id-ed, were not Reps but were fanatics.

Detroit Suing BLM. Huh???

Police car burning

Detroit taking action against BLM is breathtaking. BLM first sued the city saying that their protests against….. against….. Uh, whatever; was just them expressing their first amendment rights to free speech and the police kept them from doing so. BLM has killed more black lives than all the police in the nation. Defunding does not hurt the police, it just keeps them from protecting the public. As that protection is slowly lifted it reveals a body count of black males that is staggering. The officers will still get their pay and their retirements. Only the public suffers.

It seems BLM feels that looting and burning buildings is nothing more than free speech. Harming, by the way, innocent business owners, many of whom are black. Of course, their protests have another benefit, the rioters get free stuff. It’s that free stuff that attracts most of the rioters, not the merciless BLM. Despite the thousands of images and videos of that “free speech” BLM still says their protests were peaceful. How’s that you say? It is abetted by the national mass media’s refusal to call burning and looting as violent. They continuedly, against all logic, reported the protests as peaceful. Oh, by the way, the protesters beat anyone they think does not agree with them.

U.S. District Court Judge Laurie Michelson, a federal judge appointed by Democrats, Obama, seems to agree. She ordered the police in Detroit to not use, batons, shields, rubber bullets, and other anti-riot tools and tactics against crowds. Crowds she calls peaceful. How can police move in and push the rioters away from businesses without these tools? How can police protect anyone? And now they can’t even protect themselves.

The suit against BLM specifically states that it includes the POLICE. Wow. It includes injuries suffered by police at the hands of the “peaceful” protesters; rioters. That is what is breathtaking. An action supporting officers. And this is In Detroit. A heavily Democrat infested city.

Will we see other cities doing the same? Will Detroit stick with their suit? I’m hopeful but I’m also doubtful.

Why There Is Racism In The USA: It’s the media stupid.

I’m going to shock you, there is very little racism. The little that is here is fanned by the media. The communist (to be addressed in a future post) that has infiltrated our mass media has been lying to us. It is trying to beat us down so the USA, Democracy, can be overthrown. That’s why they lie. They are nothing more than an arm of organized crime. No, organized crime isn’t a thing of the past. The media tries to propagate this lie by saying things like, “John Gotti, the last of the Dons.”  They want to live an abundant life, where they will be able to have life and death say-so over the masses. They take part in organized crime thinking they will be spared when the eventual takeover comes to fruition. And organized crime donates heavliy to Democrats. They have messed so well with the media that one cannot tell one from the other.

Here’s a few examples: George Floyd: I watched that gut wrenching video of a man in a uniform (I can’t come to call him a police officer) had George on the ground and was kneeling on his neck. George was pleading for him to stop. He didn’t. It was hard to watch. Later we were told that George died from those actions. Not many people witness someone’s murdered. The entire nation was shocked–angered! As so with the world.

HOWEVER: The autopsy report (this report has been removed from the county website, I guess they didn’t like it being seen by the public) from Hennepin County Medical Examiner’s Office concludes the cause of death was “cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression.” That conclusion, death due to heart failure, differs from the one reached by an independent examiner [Dr. Michael Baden] hired by the Floyd family; that report listed the cause of death as “asphyxiation from sustained pressure.” The toxicological results were hidden from him. Had he had those results he might have come up with different cause. Being under the influence of cocaine is very hare on the heart.

 Pause to take note that the hired medical examiner, did not have the toxicological tests. They were hidden from. Someone put them in the notes, not attached to the report, and were never handed over to Dr. Baden. Dr. Baden’s gratuitous conclusion was, no doubt, greatly prejudiced by him seeing the video. That was enough for him.

AND the report goes on to say: Floyd was overdosed on fentanyl.  Floyd had 11 ng/mL of fentanyl, that under any other circumstances, not withstanding a hole in the heard, it would have been listed as the cause of death. There is a level 1, 2, 3, and 4. Level 2 is understood that it could cause a death by overdose. Levels 3-4 is understood to cause death. Floyd had a level 3.

One effect of meth od is that it causes swelling of the lungs which causes difficult breathing. This is the only reason that the neck compression may have attribute to Floyd’s death. Due to the notoriety of this incident, the coroner had to put the overdose as “maybe an overdose.” If not, the rioters would surely have hunted him down.

The video from an officer’s bodycam (video provided by Court TV and FOIA) clearly shows George’s mouth open wide while he is yelling at the police. Something is in his mouth. One can see him manipulating his tongue in an attempt to secrete it in his mouth, however, he eventually must have swallowed it: As many persons are forced to do when stopped by police in order to evade certain jail.

This is big news! The kneeling incident probably had little to do with George’s death, we will never know for sure because that “officer” did not act professionally. Normally these facts would have been picked up by all interested media outlets. Everything about this incident has what I call resolved facts, more accurate information as cured by time, HistoryResolved. The USA hating media censored it. They always want to paint the USA in the worst light possible.

The media lies in order to push the–communist anti-everything good, in and by, the USA. To allow an organized crime takeover of the USA so they, including those in the media who control it from within, can live in opulence while all else grovel for little.  The media exacerbates everything possible to divide us. To cause chaos. To cause confusion amongst us. When a people become so bewildered they can’t seem to cope, they look for order. Organized crime will be there to step in, and the media will be the ones to herald their right to rule.

See Trayvon and Zimmerman for another example media manipulation.

There are many more examples: Those will be the subject of another post.

Why There Is Racism In The USA: It’s the media stupid.


See Related Article: Trayvon and Zimmerman for another example of media manipulation.

I’m going to shock you, there is very little racism. The little that is there is, is fanned by the media. The communist (to be addressed in a future post) that has infiltrated our mass media has been lying to us. It is trying to beat us down so the USA, Democracy, can be overthrown. That’s why they lie. They are nothing more than an arm of organized crime. No, organized crime isn’t a thing of the past. The media tries to propagate this lie by saying things like, “John Gotti, the last of the Dons.”  They want to live an abundant life, where they will be able to have life and death say-so over the masses. They take part in organized crime thinking they will be spared when the eventual takeover comes to fruition.

Here’s a few examples: George Floyd: I watched that gut wrenching video of a man in a uniform (I can’t come to call him a police officer) had George on the ground and was kneeling on his neck. George was pleading for him to stop. He didn’t. It was hard to watch. Later we were told that George died from those actions. Not many people witness someone’s murdered. The entire nation was shocked–angered! As so with the world.

HOWEVER: The autopsy report (which has since been removed from the internet, but I saw it. ) from Hennepin County Medical Examiner’s Office concludes the cause of death was “cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression.” That conclusion, death due to heart failure, differs from the one reached by an independent examiner [Dr. Michael Baden] hired by the Floyd family; that report listed the cause of death as “asphyxiation from sustained pressure.” 
NPR America Reckons With Racial Injustice June 4, 2020.

Pause to take note that the hired ME, who’s life style depends on these lucrative expert witness fees, did not have the toxicological tests. They were hidden from. Someone put them in the notes, not attached to the report, and were never handed over to Dr. Baden. Dr. Baden’s gratuitous conclusion was, no doubt, greatly prejudiced by him seeing the video. That was enough for him.

AND the report goes on to say: Floyd was overdosed on fentanyl.  Floyd had 11 ng/mL of fentanyl, that under any other circumstances, not withstanding a hole in the heard, it would have been listed as the cause of death. There is a level 1, 2, 3, and 4. Level 2 is understood that it could cause a death by overdose. Levels 3-4 is understood to cause death. Floyd had a level 3.

One effect of meth od is that it causes swelling of the lungs which causes difficult breathing. This is the only reason that the neck compression may have attribute to Floyd’s death. Due to the notoriety of this incident, the coroner had to put the overdose as “maybe an overdose.” If not, the rioters would surely have hunted him down.

The video from an officer’s bodycam (video provided by Court TV) clearly shows George’s mouth open wide while he is yelling at the police. Something is in his mouth. One can see him manipulating his tongue in an attempt to secrete it in his mouth, however, he eventually must have swallowed it: As many persons are forced to do when stopped by police in order to evade certain jail time.

This is big news! The kneeling incident probably had little to do with George’s death, we will never know for sure because that “officer” did not act professionally. Normally these facts would have been picked up by all interested media outlets. Every thing about this incident has what I call resolved facts, more accurate information as cured by time, HistoryResolved. The USA hating media censored it. They always want to paint the USA in the worst light possible.

The media lies in order to push the communist anti-everything good in and by the USA. To allow an organized crime takeover of the USA so they, including those in the media who control it from within, can live in opulence and all else grovel for little.  

See Trayvon and Zimmerman for another example media manipulation.

Trayvon and Zimmerman; an American tragedy


See related Article: Why There Is Racism In The USA: It’s The Media Stupid

Remember George Zimmerman? He was a white guy that approached a young black male in Florida, aged 17. I say George was a white guy because that’s what everyone was led to believe by the mass media. His mother was from Peru, and his father from the USA. Under any other circumstances, George would be Hispanic or Latino. I heard one news broadcast where one of the hosts referred to him as white, and the other host said he was Hispanic. The first host then said, “Well, he’s half white.” By all media StyleBooks (a stylebook is used to ensure that all journalist’s writings are uninformed), he is Hispanic, but not for this.

George happened to be a neighborhood “watch captain” for the police. Such a captain is merely one who attended a police neighborhood watch meeting and has agreed to do the organizing for it. That is to determine the host for each meeting, notify people of upcoming meetings, and gather information about crime in that neighborhood for the members. That’s it. The police do not train such a person or bestow any special rights or privileges. Yet in nearly every report, it is said, “Geroge Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch captain.” Only to add a smear upon law enforcement.

 It just so happened that his neighborhood was experiencing burglaries. One night George was walking in his neighborhood and spotted a man walking between the houses. The communist media explained that away by saying the man was taking a “shortcut.” I don’t know about you, but I don’t take shortcuts through people’s yards who I don’t know. Trayvon was dead, so how did the media know? Interestingly, the burglaries stopped after this.

This is what really happened; it’s not the fake news the media fed us:
George (5′ 7″ and overweight) approached the man (who later turns out to be 17 yrs, 5’11” and well built) to find out what he was doing. Right away, Trayvon punched George squarely on the tip of his nose and then jumps on him and straddles him. Trayvon starts to bang George’s head against the cement sidewalk. George yells for help, and it is recorded in the background by a neighbor who was recording something else. George is pinned, and he’s afraid the man will find his gun (which he was legally allowed to carry concealed) and kill him with it. That is only if George does not die from head injuries. George was able to wedge his gun out, and he shot one time, killing Trayvon.

The American communist jumped on this as a racial hate crime. It wasn’t, but they just can’t find real ones. The media plastered a picture showing a young Trayvon, probably from middle school, and explained away the misleading photo by saying it was a photo of an “unknown date.”

George was treated at the scene by an ambulance for injuries to his nose and head. He was transported to a police station where the station’s video captures him being taken out of the car by officers. He was handcuffed behind his back. He gets out from the rear driver’s side and walks to the car’s back, facing the camera. The camera was looking down, from back to front. He stands by the driver’s taillight as the officer completes the search. The back of his head could not be seen, and his nose had been cleaned up by the ambulance. This is the proof the mass media used to prove that George didn’t have a nose or head injury.

The video was of poor quality and out of focus; I think on purpose and by the media. I don’t believe that a police department would have video equipment of that poor quality. After all, it has been put there to protect the police. To be evidence, a witness, should something terrible happen. A suspect kills an officer. An officer kills a suspect. Court quality is imperative!

No less than two news producers lost their jobs over this. That’s because the full video surfaced later. This ladder video is not cropped as the first one was.

Election 2020 vs Election 1960

John F Kennedy won the 1960 election by a hair. His opponent was Richard Nixon (who would later be elected). Nixon was a popular sitting Vice President at the time. He felt he would easily win. When he didn’t, he through a tissy-fit and stormed off without asking for a recount, which he was entitled to. Had he, he would have won.

Since that time, and as history gets resolved as time passes, most reputable historians agree that Nixon did win.

I’ll make this as short as I can.

The Kennedy family was very influential but not well known or liked in the mid-west. But, the Kennedys had a mutual friend to the Chicago crime boss, Sam Giancana, Frank Sinatra. Frank was a go-between for the two, and a deal was made for Sam to help JFK get elected president.

The mob put out a “get to vote” campaign that few could refuse. They put out bribes and sent gangsters into the county side. In some counties, JFK was able to get up to 90% of the vote. An impossibly except in socialist, communist countries. After the counting and JFK winning, Sam threw a large victory party there in Chicago. He went around bragging and back-slapping everyone saying, “Hey, we got us a President.” (More will come in my article about the assassination of JFK.)

Democrats have been heavily involved in voter fraud and changing history throughout our, the USA’s, life. More about that in another article. The party can best be described as a cancer.