Is America Great? Then Why?

It seems ridiculous that Americans question whether America is great. It is a case of “mass hysteria.” That and ignorance makes for a terrible outcome. At least one major political party seems to question this daily. Not just daily but constantly. It seems whenever there is a microphone nearby a member takes a shot at America. The irony is that they claim that because they are willing to criticize the U.S. they are better and more loyal Americans than those that measure their criticism. It’s also noteworthy that this political party openly supports the overthrow of this government. For the U.S. to convert to socialism is traitorous. We were founded to be a democracy. Period. To change to socialism is to change from the world’s oldest (the U.S. government is currently the longest standing government in the world, all other nations have changed govenments after America’s independance) and most successful form of government to one that has constantly failed. Today, the countries that claim to be socialist have had to modify it in order to survive, they are not true socialisms. Despite this dismal record, Democrats do everything in their power to overthrow our government. What is the answer to for this definition? “Someone that continues to do the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome.” The answer is “Democrats” seeking socialism.

America was founded upon what is commonly accepted as Judeo Christian values. Americans were basically honest. Not 100% honest but much more than other countries. In other countries including, those that have expelled Christian values, one learns that in order to get ahead you have to tear down your competition. In Judeo Christian societies one gets ahead by out performing their competition thus, building, upon the competitor’s shoulders, not knocking them on their backs and standing on their chests.

In the early days of America, nearly all people agreed upon the basic truths that conduct like stealing, cheating, lying, murder, and etc were bad; even if they indulged themselves in these acts. That admission coupled with a large population that was honest proved to be the wave that carried America above all other nations. Democrats refuse to admit to what is right or wrong. During the Ferguson Mo. riots Democrats refused to say that the rioters were in the wrong. These types of riots claim to be against police brutality but for some reason, they direct their angst against retail, in that they loot retail stores and burn them down along with various vehicles. The governor of Mo. had called out the national guard in anticipation of a riot, however, the Democrat Party put their thumb on him and when the riots began he gave the rioters a, “two hour cooling off period.” To all but Democrats it was the obvious the wrong thing to do. That period allowed the riot to get out of control. It gave everyone with a TV time to come to the riot and loot stores. Even then, the Guard was used sparsely.

Because of this relative honesty, America exploded upon the world’s markets. America thrived at a pace not matched by any other nation. When WW-I started the U.S. opted to stay out. The war between, basically, Germany against France and England. (It’s much more complicated than this but this definition will work for this message.) It was not uncommon to have over 25,000 deaths In a single battle, in a single day. The manpower In these countries was at its limit. Germany knew it couldn’t match the fresh troops that would be sent by America; they knew the end was is sight, yet, they fought on anyway. France and England expect the U.S. to deluge them with soldiers who would fight side by side with them and, thus, would sustain the same devastating losses. However, the U.S. had a high value on American lives. We used our troops smartly, not the flood the battlefield way the war had been fought up until then. Because of America’s industries, economics, and values, we lead the world to peace. Yes America was great and all of the honest countries of the world would agree. German and their allies not so much.

But then WW-II. America’s industries, economics, and values outpaced all the other belligerents. France had already surrendered to NAZI Germany; England was on its knees. If not for America supporting them and sending them war materials, basically for free, it would have been pounded into submission. America lead the way and freed Europe from the tyranny of the NAZIs. All the while, it was beating Japan, who had taken nearly all of the Far East and beyond under their flag. At war’s end, more than a dozen countries had been restored to their pre-war status. Only Russia claimed all of the countries it cleared from the NAZIs and swallowed them into the communist Soviet Union. America could have merely claimed all of the counties it cleared as territories of the U.S., but our “VALUES” would not allow us to give in to this temptation. Indeed, when Japan and Germany conquered a nation, and they conquored several, they raided their banks, took all their cash, all of their resources, all of their industires, all of their food, and all of thier valuable property, then made them slaves. Their populations were forced into labor to support the war efforts of Japan and Germany. It wasn’t just hard labor, it was to the death. It was more economical to work them to death. It takes a lot to supply a vast army all the while supplying your home country with stolen luxury.

Every country in the world owes its freedom, or choice of rule, to America. England, could only mount a defense of their island and then only because of support from the U.S. And Russia owed their existance to, yet again, America, who supplied them with war material when much of their industry had been overran by Germany. Had the U.S. been defeated the Axis countries, Germany, Japan, and Italy, would have conquer every other country at will; the Middle East, Africa, South America, every country. No other country had a defense that could stand up to them. Yes, America was great.

After WW-II there was the threat of communism. Russia declared that communism would rule the world. When communism swept into Red China, China joined the threat and that threat stans to this day . The collapse of the USSR was only because of the strength of the U.S. This alone freed many more countries that Russia had claimed as war prizes. Yes, America was great.

Now China is arming its self and stockpiling war materials while getting ready to challenge the U.S. in another war. (The date to be announced.) Yes, America is great.

However, if their communist friends in the U.S. can take control through the election process, all the better. Communism is not a form of government, it is organized crime. As usual in communist rule, friends will replace the competent manager; the competent for the incompetent. Does China have friends in the U.S.? It is now a well-known secret that Bill Clinton receive vast amounts of money from Red China. Without it, he probably would not have been elected. I’ll address the treason of Bill and Hilary in another post.

PS It came out during the election season that Chinese generals donated money to the Clinton election campaign. The Clinton’s responded by, yes they received foreign money but so did George Bush (1). It was true that Clinton received a vast amount of money from communist China’s army, and Bush received “some” from free China, Hong Kong. Hong Kong was an English territory before the war and reverted back to one after. Somehow England agreed to a 99-year lease, after which, it would be turned over to Red China. Hong Kong desperately wanted stop this and to stay free, capitalist. Bottom line: Clinton received aid from the communist and Bush from the free people. The Clintons are still receiving vast amounts of money from Red Cina. They get it laundered to them through their scam non-profit fund and exorbitant fees to have Bill Clinton give a speech.

The Birth Of CNN

Jane Fonda sitting on anti-aircraft gun in Hanoi.

Photo AP 1971

CNN was just a little cable news company in the 1980s. Then, the First Gulf War, or the Persian War, happened. Viewer flooded to CNN in droves. Why? Because we thought it was an honest alternative to the bias anti-American news we got from the network news. Most of us had never watched or even heard of CNN. At first, it was wonderful. But then the communist, leftest leaning of the founder shone through.

The first clue was when Bernard Shaw returned to the U.S. after being on assignment with CNN. He stated that while in Bagdad he hid under his desk as cruise missiles flew by. The nights’ skies were lit up with the most fantastic fireworks display except that they were real munitions. He bragged that when the U.S. military asked him about what he saw while there he refused. They wanted to glean any military intelligence possible from him. Bernie proudly told the interviewer that it was his journalistic integrity being called into question. Bernie refused to be a “spy” for our military. The interviewer, also a CNN reporter seemed to agree.

After the war, Saddam Hussain revealed that the only military intelligence he received was from watching news broadcasts. The military placed strict rules on journalist but it was difficult to enforce. News crews were poking their heads into every nook and cranny they could find. If they found something not expressively forbidden they would air it. The military could not stop them. It wasn’t like WW-II where there were no other ways to get information out except going through the military. Send an email.

Bob Simon was a CBS reporter. He and his crew of three vanished on January 24, 1991. Nowhere to be found. They were gone, and their vehicle was gone. No messages, no clues. As it turned out, they had been captured. Disobeying the rules (of course) laid out by the U.S. Military, they ventured into a restricted area and they were captured by the Iraqis army. Why did they do it?

Everyone knew that an invasion by friendly forces (our forces) was imminent. It was thought that it might come from both sea and land. News crews were hiring speed boats and chasing the Navy around looking for a sign of where and when the forthcoming amphibious landing would be. To be the first to expose our military plans to Iraq would, for sure, guarantee awards and accolades from their peers. News crews have been witnessing the arrival of men/women by the thousands, by the tens of thousands, and hardware by the tens of thousands of tons. But where was all of it? Answer this question and you will surely win some coveted awards.

Broadcasting our military positions to Iraq was a noble thing to do. Broadcasting Iraq military positions, as CNN Bernard Shaw refused to do, would taint their journalistic standards.

This is why Simon ventured into a restricted area. He was trying to scoop his competition. To find the hidden friendly forces and broadcast their locations to Iraq. He was captured about a month prior to the land invasion, broadcasting this information would endanger the lives of our military personnel. Surely, it would cause many deaths. No one at the time knew if Saddam could mount a surprise attack on our forces if he knew where they were. Simon was scouting restricted areas so he could be the one to disclose their location. He failed, but, he won an award for his efforts. You can’t make this stuff up.

Back to CNN. Eventually, the owner, Ted Turner, showed where his biases lay. He married Hanoi Jane. A devout communist who hates everything about the U.S. Some may say it is cruel to call Jane Fonda by that name. But why, she earned it. At one time she was very proud of it. During the Vietnam War, Ms. Hanoi was very anti-American. She rebelled against her privileged upbringing as is common with the spoiled rich. And as often happens, they get bored laying around with other rich kids; doing drugs and alcohol to excess. Then they turn on the country that enabled them to be privileged. Why? There is no excuse.

Ms. Hanoi wanted to go beyond the level of the other kids. She traveled to North Vietnam and to Hanoi. There, American POWs were tortured in order to force them to meet with her. This way she could return to the U.S. and tell everyone how well the POWs were being treated. We learned after the war that every American POW was tortured. There were many ways but one way that all the POWs seem to have been subjected to was having their hands tied behind their back; then a rope was fixed to their hands they were lifted up until their feet left the ground. Often they would be left that way for hours. Dislocating shoulders and suffocating. To top off her Hanoi trip she went to an anti-aircraft gun and sat in the gunner’s seat. She then acted out shooting down an American plane and pilot. In truth, it was very possible that that gun had shot down Americans.

I truly believe that our mainstream media was and are traitors. They reward those that oppose our way of life. They give awards to those that wish to harm us. A post by me concerning the communist movement in the U.S. is forthcoming. They narrowly missed taking over the U.S. in the 2016, presidential election. Having failed they attempted a coupe. It also failed.

Releasing Felons From Prisons-Good Idea? Nope.

The U.S. is enjoying a lull in violent crimes. I say a lull because it seems the Democrat President hopefuls are falling all over themselves trying to be the one that will release the most felons. To release them. where they will prey upon private citizens. Democrats have has a long symbionic relationship with felons.

The truth is, NY City had over 1,800, homicides per year in the 1980s. This year it is on track to be less than 300. The reason? Something that public persons are forbidden to acknowledge. The bad guys are in prison. Many states have a 3 strikes law or something similar. The most violent people are in prison.

The Democrats criticize the U.S. as having far more persons in prisons than other countries. Do they mean like in Mexico where only about 10% of murder suspects are arrested? Take all of South America and the stat is similar. Do the Democrats want the U.S. to release the prisoners so we can emulate those countries? Some say it’s too harsh because often times one or more of the strikes is for a relatively harmless felony, like drug possession. Think of this: The criminal knew before committing that third crime that he/she was risking life in prison. Yet, they did so anyway. If they are willing to risk life for a lesser crime, what will deter the crook from doing much worse, like murder, when it’s convenient. Do we really want persons with that kind of decision making loose to prey upon the public?

Here’s the real reason politicians want prisoners released. The drug cartels donate heavily to American politicians. They do it by using immigrants as straw donors, and often these straw donors become straw voters. Of course, there are also fake corporations. These politicians will benefit greatly if they can court that segment of society. Why do the drug cartels want prisoners released? Because they are, were, their soldiers here in the U.S. They sold, distributed, and used the drugs. The cartels are having a difficult time keeping up with their heavy bribe burden elsewhere in the world. Keep in mind that the hundreds of millions of dollars they are losing would normally be paid for by you; the public. Those crooks have to get the money for $500/day habits somewhere and few of them have lawful employment enabling them to afford such a habit, so, to afford their habit they must do crime.

FREE STUFF: This is for free. Why did Democrats want drug addiction to be declared, legally, a disease? Because once a disease the addict can collect disability. And once they start collecting disability they have additional disposable income with which to buy more drugs. Much of that money is shipped right back to South America. Hundreds of millions of disability dollars (benefits) go to support the drug cartels, who in turn, support the Democrats. I don’t think it is too unfair to say, Democrats. Yes, some may be paid to Republicans but the lion’s share goes disproportionately to Democrats.

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

Trump Can’t Block Users From His Twitter Account

Public bulletin board

Freedom of speech? Not if you are a conservative or President Trump. A court ruled that he can’t block persons from his twitter account. Why? Not because Trump has freedom of speech, but because the public has freedom of reading. Huh? The public has a right to read, listen, and Trump has a right to Twitter, but, he can’t choose who he twitters too.

People have freedom of speech, the first amendment, but a court has stepped in to say who Trump can and can not express his ideas too. Everyone else can decide who they talk to–except Trump. The courts claim that his Twitter account is public. Is the government paying for the account? No. Merely because he is a Republican and conservative he can’t block vile hate filled antagonists, who want to deluge his account with hate. In other words, they can block Trump’s free speech.

Image by JamesDeMers from Pixabay

Target-Conservatives: Oregan Police Just Watch

The weekend of June 29, 2019, in Portland Organ was very violent and dangerous one. That is, if you were a conservative. An ANTIFA group attacked a demonstration being held by a conservative one. The police were ordered to stand-by and not help those being beaten.

A conservative journalist, Andy Gno was severely beaten over several minutes. He said he kept waiting for the police to arrive and save him, but none did. He was slugged, hit by “milkshakes” (made of quick-drying cement) and had rocks thrown at him. When he did make it to the police lines he was told he had to walk to the station to get EMT.

ANTIFA is to the Democrats what the brown shirts were to Hitler. They are thugs that are allowed to attack without repercussions. The city Mayor Ted Wheeler said that he stands behind his police force and their decision not to intervene. What he doesn’t say is that he is also a Police Commissioner. He wanted things to appear as if the decision by the police did not involve him, but, he none-the-less stood by them. Now it is obvious that it was the Mayor’s decision. His effort to deflect some of the blame is working. Most of the news outlets will not include this detail.

He denies such an order telling the police to stand-by but the rank and file police organization representing the officers says it was the Mayor. They are demanding that the handcuffs be taken off of them and let them decide how to do policing, not an amateur civilian with no experience. Organ recently passed a law that forbids the police from recording these events unless there are illegal actions. It does little good to wait for illegal actions and then turn on the recorders. Also, there is no law forbidding the wearing of masks, something the ANTIFA always do.

ANTIFA are throwing “milkshakes” at the conservatives. These are really “CEMENT BOMB” as that is what is in them along with some type of pepper spray and who knows what other disgusting liquids.

The police should be able to record any time they want. If the demonstrators are not doing anything wrong then there is no problem. They are in public view. The public can record the demonstrations but the police can not. The wearing of masks should be outlawed. There are few instances where wearing one would be justified. Those instances should be addressed on a case by case basis.

The Mayor and Police Chief should go.

Is Global Warming True?

Yes and no. That sounds like typical liberal doublespeak, but it isn’t. It’s just like liberals to be going the wrong way on a freeway. There is a correct way and there is the liberal way, the wrong way. 

Fact is that the earth has been cycling in and out of ice ages for millions of years. We are currently in the Quaternary ice age. Ice ages have glacial and interglacial periods where the glaciers expand and contract. Luckily, we are in an interglacial period and the glaciers have retreated. If we weren’t Canada would be covered in ice. We have been in a temperate interglacial period (it even has a name, “Holocene”) for approximately 12,000 years. The next phase is where we cycle back into a glacial period. This is expected to be somewhere in the range of 25,000 -50,000, years. So, what we should be worried about is the coming ice age. We should be welcoming the “global warming” as a way to stave it off. After all, when it happens all of Canada will have to move down to the USA.

We have only had the ability to measure temperatures worldwide for about 40-50 years. That was when satellites could see all of the world, not just the inhabited area. But before these, we got the data only from the inhabited portions of the Earth and that reporting was hit and miss. Getting temperatures from the deep jungles of Africa and South America was inconsistent. “Scientist” claim to be able to measure past temperatures by using tree rings and the strata (layers of dirt over layers of dirt) of the earth. Truth is that a tree on one side of a mountain might not get much rain while one on the opposite side gets a deluge. How is that tree rings are capable of exposing temperatures? Strata is pretty hit and miss also. Just look at the strata in the Grand Canyon. There are 2,000, years missing. It just can’t be explained.

Death Valley California, the hottest and driest place in the world, was once a lush green valley. So say the same scientists who are warning us of a warming trend. It is just that, a trend. The Earth’s climate is in a constant state of change. But, liberals have figured out a way to TAX it. From a news flash, “Today was the hottest day in 90 years.” Proof positive of global warming. Huh? That tells us that it was even hotter 90 years ago, not that we are in global warming. In 2018-2019, the USA experienced something called a Polar Vortex that broke records for cold over a vast area of the USA. Free fact: The Sahara Desert was once NOT. (A desert.)

Why GLOBAL WARMING? Any scheme, device, or TAX that liberals can use they use it. It’s just a ploy to get the money out of the people’s hands, then into the government’s hands, and eventually into their hands (through crooked contracts or funding). I don’t have the resources, but, it would be interesting to see the companies that go out of business and those that thrive. The billions of dollars liberals have will move from one to the other. After all, it will be the “law” forcing people to conform.

Years ago there was the ozone lay scare. The ozone layer covers the Earth high up in the stratosphere and was being eaten away by fluorocarbons in the freon used in our cooling systems. Systems in our cars, houses, and our workplaces. Everyone had to rid themselves of efficient freon and change to a different one. The new freon would not work in the current systems. The new required all autos, homes, and businesses to change equipment worth billions of dollars. Throwing out perfectly good equipment and forced to buy new conforming ones. If you knew that this law was going to be passed, you could have made a killing changing your investment strategy.

And then there was Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines. It erupted in 1991, sending more fluorocarbons into the atmosphere than all of that released by all humankind. The ozone layer pulsed and then returned. Today it is accepted as fact that the ozone layer is not depleting and that it cycles from one value to another.

And now even the BBC is backtracking.
Delingpole: ‘Climategate Was Fake News,’ Lies the BBC…

The hottest day on Earth ever recorded was 134 degrees at Furnace Creek California IN THE YEAR 1913. So it was hotter 56 years ago and who knows what records could have been recored if Earth had a reporting system for the last 200 years.

Death Penalty, Yes or No

If one kills another then that one should get the death penalty. The most basic reason; it was the killer’s choice to kill, it’s rarely the victim’s. The killer knew or should have known what was at risk. If a killer is willing to risk the penalty, what does that say about the killer? There have been several incidents where someone was in prison for life and that person kills another prisoner. Why? The killer is already serving the harshest penalty. Tesst ttis

Anti-death penalty people trumpet the high cost of a death sentence. They tell of the many years it takes to come to trial and the litany of lawyers involved; all the while expenses build up. It’s not unusual for a death penalty case to cost millions of dollars while It only costs a few hundred thousand dollars for a life sentence. For liberals, dollars are the end of all ends. They never tire of wasting money or using it to buy votes. When logic fails: Bring up money.

Let’s keep up that theme, money. For those states with the death penalty, it saves them millions each year; regardless of how many inmates on death row. The savings are realized when a death penalty case comes to trial, and the defendant is offered a life sentence instead of seeking the death penalty. What is usually penned into that plea bargain is that the case can never be appealed.

Keeping the death penalty option does act as a deterrent. It’s not measurable, but how many times has a robber or kidnapper decided not to kill multiple victims or to torture a victim because it puts the death of the criminal into play? We will never know. But if you are one of those kidnapped or about to be tortured, you will be grateful; usually without ever knowing.

Even If You Don’t Believe: Satanic Actions Do Exist

Isn’t it ironic? In Africa where Ebola thrives it is the ones unselfishly giving their time, efforts, and sometimes their lives, it is they who are being targeted and portrayed as villains. By who? By people living outside the law, ignorant people, selfish people who are bent on doing the most harm whether it is by stealing from the masses or killing the masses. The common thread? Ebola kills and they kill. It is a way of making what they do less evil, not in the minds of knowledgeable people but in the ignorant. By any other words, satanic.

Doris Day passed away recently and her page on Wikipedia was immediately defaced by vile persons. Doris was America’s girl; wholesome, honest, talented. Just because of her good moral image, vile persons posted risqué pictures on her page. Why? Just because the evil movement hates good, worships evil. No demonstrable reason, satanic.

More to come

Top Secret Give Away

December 4, 2011, one of the US’s top secret drones inexplicably landed safely in Iran. This is the drone that encompasses, up to that time, all our latest stealth technology. It included the shape of it, the materials it is made of, and the special coating on the outside. As if this wasn’t enough of a gift to Iran, they also got all the technology built into it; the most advanced in the world. One could say technology that reached years into the future because it would take the rest of the world that long to catch up. Not just catch up, the rest of the world didn’t have a clue as to what could be done, thus the saying, they didn’t know what they didn’t know.

Land safely in Iran? Did we want that? No. The drone mysteriously malfunctioned and lost contact with its pilots (somewhere at a distant location). It then mysteriously failed to do take actions built into it in such a case. It was programmed to autonomously make it’s way back to its secret base. And then it mysteriously failed to take the next action that was programmed into it; that was to self destruct. The only action it took was to safely land its self. This was the last thing wanted.

Upon realizing that the drone wasn’t going to return and that literally, every preprogrammed course of action failed to be carried out, our intelligence people started planning. Iran didn’t even know it was in their country yet. The most desirable action was for a SEAL team to be activated and allowed to retrieve it. I say allowed because SEALs live for moments like these. Next was for a 2,000-pound smart bomb be dropped on it. The last was to sit on our hands and do nothing. This was the course President Obama chose.

There is no doubt that Iran teamed up with scientist from China and Russa to try to reverse engineer it. Iran would allow them access if they shared their discoveries with them. In fact, Iran probably was able to negotiate a tremendous pay off in addition to any intelligence.

As far as reverse engineering the electronics, it would be very difficult. Almost all the circuits would be made using integrated circuits. That is where millions of transistors and such are “printed” in minuscule circuits and contained in a solid wafer. There would be hundreds of those incorporated throughout the drone. To try to shave off portions of the wafer in a way that the circuits inside could be deciphered would be very difficult. But then, you can never underestimate your foes.

It will take years to learn just how much damage this course did to our safety. Let’s hope it isn’t when our technology is turned back onto us.

Convicted Felon Elected Mayor of DC

Marion Barry was elected mayor of Washington DC in 1979. In 1991 he fell into an investigation of drug trafficking and prostitution and was eventually video recorded smoking crack while in the company of a prostitute. He was tried, convicted and removed from office. The trial turned from one about his breaking the law into one about racism. DC was about 66% black and heavily Democratic. The city’s government were also predominantly black, yet, somehow the jury was able to see racism as the basis for the charges against Barry. Despite being on trial for over ten felony counts he was found guilty of only one.

He served his time and returned to DC to run for mayor again. It wasn’t as If he was running on his impeccable prior service. When he was arrested the city was almost bankrupt. The city was in shambles. Pretty much every city department was in disarray and not functioning as it should. Despite this, he was re-elected mayor in 1995.

How was this possible? Only in a heavily Democratic demographic could a convicted, incompetent candidate be elected; solely to refute racism that didn’t exist. Now think of this: It is out of this jury pool that people on trial must choose their jury. How confident would you be in getting a fair trial if you are a known Republican? If you were a known white Republican?