Little Big Horn – Colonel Custer

History has recorded that there were no US Calvary soldiers who survived the Battle of Little Big Horn. In truth there were several. There were no survivors of the battle and the torture that ensued afterward.

This isn’t white man’s hyperbole. Indians have recorded it themselves and don’t deny it. I watched and listened to an interview with a tribal historian who confirmed it. He said that there were troopers who had lost consciousness during the battle for one reason or another and were taken, prisoner. The Indians,
the Lakota, Sioux, and Cheyenne, had such hate for the white men that they let their women and children finish them off. They did this by cutting off his testicles, then slicing through the skin on his thighs about 10 inches long, head to foot. Then cutting horizontal ones about 5 inches long at the top and the bottom of the first slice. Then the skin would be peeled away. When the trooper was no longer fun he was killed.

This historian was quite sure that Colonel Custer shot himself when he realized there was no escaping. Custer knew what to expect and no doubt chose death over it.

At first, it sounds as if Custer was reckless for making the charge since he was outnumbered nearly 10 to 1 by the Indians. However, Custer expected about a tenth of the number of Indians to what was actually there. Custer didn’t know that white gun runners had sold the Indians repeating rifles. These were better guns than the single shot Sharps carbines Custer’s troops had. In the past, whenever charged in this way, the Indians fled. And, Custer was expecting that a detachment from his force that was nearby would join the battle. However, they encountered an attack by the Indians and they fled when able.

During the Civil War Custer rose to the battle rank of Major General. Those promotions went away after the war. They are to fill urgent shortages of officers and to reward officers who merited it. At the Battle of Gettysburg, Custer realized that the rebel cavalry of Gen Jeb Stuart was about to overrun the rear of the Union forces. Custer drew his sword and let a charge of about 400 union cavalry against about 2,500 confederates ones. Custer broke the attack by Stuart and this was one reason for the Union victory.

Are Immigrants law-abiding?

Liberal keep finding some obscure professor in some college who does a study and finds that illegal immigrants are more law-abiding than natural born citizens. This is ludicrous. We should not accept such statistics unless they are evaluated by someone trustworthy. It is in the liberal’s DNA to lie, steal, and cheat. Why is the CA prison population made up of 10% illegal immigrants?

Trump’s Tax Returns. Why They Are important

The reason Trump’s tax returns are soooo important to liberals is that when you file a tax return that covers billions of dollars it is impossible for there NOT to be a mistake. Whether it is prepared by employees or not, the filer is ultimately responsible. Liberals will have every line scrutinized by tax specialists. Trump stands no chance of not being prosecuted for the most minor offense. In a normal tax audit, if there is an honest mistake, the taxpayer makes it good, along with penalties and that is it. Liberal will never let Trump off.

Crash of Boeing 737 in Africa (Another) Update


Just In: Okay, now we know what really happened.

RE: 737 Max 8 MCAS causes two airliners to crash.

France’s Airbus added new more efficient and powerful engines on their Airbus planes. Boeing didn’t want to be left behind so they did too. HOWEVER, the new engines were physically much larger, taller, than those already installed. Airbus had no problems, the engines easily fit under the wings. The Airbus planes set much higher off the ground than the 737s. So, Boeing mounted the engines farther forward and up, closer to the underside of the wing. But this changed the balance of the planes. Under acceleration, the planes would tend to rotate nose up (instead of up and straight ahead). This was compensated by using a software program (MCAS) to correct the nose up by inputting nose down trim. All this was supposed to be done without the pilot noticing, thus, no extra training and no extra expense would be needed.

It’s inconceivable that Boeing would only use one sensor for this, but that’s just what they did. Nearly every critical system has a backup. Even small private airplanes have TWO sparkplugs and TWO ignitions systems for EACH cylinder. Boeing offered a backup system but, offered as an option at additional costs to the buyer. This will come back to bite Boeing in the butt.

During hard acceleration, as when taking off, and when the single AOA (Angle Of Attack) failed, either by a bird strike or otherwise, the software kept trying to trim the plane nose down even though the pilots were trying to nose up, to climb. This confused the pilots. They didn’t know why the plane was trying to do the opposite of what they were trying to do. The nose down trim was stronger than the pilot’s physical strength, which was trying to nose up. The pilots would be taken by surprise and not have the time needed to sort out the problem before the plane struck the ground. In the U.S. pilots receive a lot of time flying in real planes, not just simulators, thus, out of instinct they would know how to turn off the software and override the trim using the manual trim control. Many foreign airlines didn’t have, or wouldn’t spend, the money to send their pilots overseas for training in real planes. It is costly.

In fairness, in 2008, twice in September and once in October, Qantas Airline (A330 Airbuses) had flights that suddenly nosed down. Each time they were approaching Australia from the ocean and near the coast. However, each occurrence had sufficient altitude for the pilots to recover. Several people sustained serious injuries. After exhaustive investigations the investigators discovered which erroneous command was sent to the plane’s main computer, but, they never learned why. The code would run thousands of times correctly and then send an erroneous command. Eventually, the plane’s software was changed so that when this illogical command was sent, the computer was to ignore it.

Original Post:
Just in case you didn’t see this, the crash in Africa was only partially the fault of Boeing.

Boeing’s MCAS stall-protection system was at fault in the crash of an Ethiopian Airlines Boeing 737 MAX 8 on March 10, 2019, this, according to a preliminary report released early Thursday. An earlier report showed that the aircraft’s flight data recorder revealed that the crew initially followed procedures Boeing recommended to disable the system, but then inexplicably re-enabled it. (We understand now that they were using trial and error to try to correct the aircraft. They ran out of time.)

A friend of Boeing brought up the specter of training again. It is noted that there have been no crashes in the U.S.A. or other counties that have a reputation for doing good training that include much flight time in planes, not just simulators.

Of course, that can’t be a final answer. If I’m traveling and get on a plane in Africa I would expect that every possible circumstance is covered during training. The pilots of the doomed planes obviously had much-advanced training and to a level much higher than the ordinary general aviation pilots. In this age of advanced artificial intelligence, AI, it’s incumbent upon Boeing to be sure that the difficulty level of flying their planes should fall significantly below that.

Okay, a bit of trivia: When Airbus was first rolling out their new A320, it had the worlds most advanced avionics. They had their most experienced test pilot ferry the airplane to an air show elsewhere in France. It had several persons on board that were guests and traveling to the show. In route, there was a little airshow at a small airport, and Airbus asked the pilot to do a low-level flyby to wow the locals by the sight of the humongous plane. The plane had several guests on it who were traveling to the big airshow. The pilot flew by at a very low altitude. At the end of the runway, the A320 kept flying straight and level and into the forest and trees, it crashed. Two persons onboard the plane died but the others, including the pilots, survived. The pilot stated that when he attempted to increase speed and altitude, the advanced AI on the airplane refused to allow him to do so. Airbus could not have been more embarrassed.

But, just so you know, this wasn’t the last problem dealing with AI (artificial intelligence) that Airbus had–and is having–some exactly like these. It seems Boeing is bent on repeating Airbus’s sins. It is still true that humans make and will make mistakes far more often than computers, but, on this topic, we have to strive for and accept nothing less than perfect.

Atlanta Child Murders: The investigation

All you need to know:
Around 1979, several black persons, mostly children, were murdered in and around the vicinity of Atlant GA. The leaders of the black community were sure the incidents were racially motivated by whites and publicly pressured and prevented the police from investigating black suspects. The suspect turned out to be a gay black man. There was no racism on the part of the police, only the public: which was fueled by the news media.

Details: I just saw a teaser for a program on the ID Investigation
Discovery channel where the topic is the Atlanta Child Murders which occurred back in the 1979-80 years. The teaser has someone who sounds as if he is a black person saying, “… they were like throwaway kids.” The obvious inference is that law enforcement didn’t give the murders a high priority because the victims were blacks.

Nothing could be further from the truth. I distinctly remember this era. At the time, the unsolved murders were portrayed as being racial by black leaders and the media. The police were pressured to investigate only white people.

In one instance a white person stopped in a black neighborhood because he wanted to hire some day laborers. A mob of black persons formed and began pelting him with rocks. In another one, a heating boiler in a black school blew up and killed four children. A black woman is filmed by the news media saying, “Boilers in white schools don’t blow up.” There was a constant banter of black on white racism.

When the police finally got a lead on the killer they had to investigate him in secret because he was a popular black man who happened to be gay. Police wasted valuable time and resources surveilling two white men (admittedly racist) even after four murders occurred while they were under this surveillance and having passing polygraphs. The police were harassed if they dared to suspect and investigate a black person. Many more people had to die before the police would have enough evidence to overwhelm public opinion and be able to investigate the correct criminal who was a black man, and thus, be able to fully investigate the crimes unfettered. The criminal was caught red-handed tossing a body in a river. The crimes weren’t racial, they were sexual in nature.

The criminal’s name is Wayne Williams. There have been several subsequent testing of DNA in attempts to prove Williams is not the suspect but all of them pointed back to Williams. The DNA tests were only 99.9% conclusive to him. There was not enough high-grade DNA, whole DNA to get the desired one in a billion results, but, this is enough evidence for 99.9 % of the population. But never enough for the racist. who desperately want to exonerate the black man and indicate a white person.

Why can’t we point out black on white prejudice? White on black prejudice is headline news in print and on the air reports. Even though it seems most of these very public reports turn out to be setups, hoaxes. The black on white racist can’t seem to find legitimate, earnest examples to try to embellish the myth that white on black prejudice is rampant. It exists, it’s just not as rampant as enemies of the USA wish, thus, they have to lie. This example cost BLACK persons their lives.

Jussie Smollett

When did this story start to smell like two-day-old fish???? It was when the perpetrators yelled (in Chicago) “This is MAGA country.” Huh. Where in Chicago is MAGA country? What street? What tiny little section? If the perpetrators yelled this, they would have been attacked and beaten before getting a block away.

What’s the real reason for the kid glove treatment of Jussie? Because it is black vs. white racism. Nearly all involved are black people, and they want to slap whites in the face by trivializing this. How will this keep America great: Trading one sin for another. Republicans fought the Civil War to make all equal. Liberals, Democrats want to cover up their slave history by making blacks slaves all over again; to government programs. This time by giving them superior rights and making Republicans pay.

It’s pandering to get votes. Then they put into place programs that hurt the black community. This flood of hate has to stop.

BTW: When was America great? When we stopped the NAZIs and communist from taking over the world, all the while stopping Japan’s invasion of Asia; it is called WWII.

Fire & Ice, Oil & Water: Just like Conservatives and liberals (They Won’t Mix)

All you need to know:
Liberals are not “Progressives,” President Theodore Roosevelt was a Progressive; not really Republican nor Democrat. Liberals are a 180, from him. They have soiled their liberal reputation as many of their machinations come to light and as such, they seek a new identity: One with honor. Conservatives won’t let go of their belief in Christ and/or their Christian values of right and wrong. LIberals refuse to say what is right or wrong. Liberal won’t be satisfied until Christians not only ACCEPT them, which they already do but also APPROVE of their behavior. Christians can’t, it is in their Bible (1 Timothy 1:10, Leviticus 18:22, and many more). It seems every other religion is allowed to believe in their “bible,” but Christians aren’t.

Details: Conservatives keep asking “…why can’t we all just get along.” Liberals never ask this. They make no effort to find common ground with Conservatives. It seems Conservatives are too simple-minded to recognize this fact and keep understating liberal’s goals. Here is one rule that one can always use: If it hurts or hinders humans then Liberals are for it. Think about it: abortion, plastic bags, salt, large soda drinks, and on and on. Often positions whose sole purpose is to offend Conservatives, like neutral gender public bathrooms. Does it really do any harm to require people to use the bathroom that the sex they were born in dictates; emotional or otherwise? LIberals want, demand, senseless things that cause endless annoyance to common sense and yet either makes little difference in the scheme of things or addresses life and death issues on the side of death–abortions. Liberals are only liberal when it comes to gambling, drugs, sex, and other vices (the more promiscuous the better). But not when it benefits humans such as new dams, drilling for oil, new roads, new buildings, and/or more convenient shopping (strip malls).  

But, the reason we can’t all get along is that conservatives have a litmus test just as do liberals. Conservatives, whether they are Christians or not, accept and acknowledge that Christians can practice their faith unfettered. The liberal party has absorbed the gay community to the extent that they encourage gay behavior. The gay community is comprised of many rich members who donate to their causes (read Democrats) freely. All the substantial Christian churches and/or organizations have openly said they accept the gay community just as they are. But the gay community demands APPROVAL from Christians. Bible-believing Christians can’t approve the gay lifestyle because it is forbidden, many times, in the Bible. The gay community sees organizations that freely teach that the gay lifestyle is wrong, even sinful, as a threat.

Conservatives tend to be more the law and order types; liberals are the opposite. Conservatives acknowledge what is right and what is wrong. Liberals will not. I’ve seen numerous liberal politicians who while being interviewed refuse to say what is right or wrong. Just one example: When the MO. governor called the rioters, who were setting cars and business on fire (after they looted the business) in Ferguson Mo. thugs, he was forced by high ranking Democrats, to publicly apologize to the thugs; and he did this on every interview afterward. I distinctly remember a reporter trying to get him to say the rioting, the theft, and the arson were wrong, but he wouldn’t. Conservative reporters had no problem calling the rioters thugs, and much more. Here is a testament as to whether Conservatives are more law and order types; I’ve been in many courtrooms where a defendant is on trial for a crime and the defendant–99.9% of the time– clean up and try to appear clean-cut and as Conservative as possible. I’ve never seen a Conservative or for that matter even a liberal defendant, who was on trial dress down to appear as a Liberal. You get the picture, unkempt.

Again: No Evidence of Evolution In Recent Scientific Discovery

Stick men
Image by ElisaRiva from Pixabay

Fox News reported that paleontologists have discovered fossils of 130 million years old insects. Here is a quote from the report: It also “proves through direct fossil evidence how some morphological traits related to hatching and linked behaviors, at least in insect embryos, have been subject to a high degree of evolutionary conservatism,” according to the study’s abstract. What’s evolutionary conservatism? They are saying that it’s evolution has been conservative. That is, has not happened “much.” This discovery is contrary to evolution.

The Greenland shark: A huge sluggish shark: one of the largest at 21 feet and 2,100lbs and suspected to be able to live up to 300 years. Does not reach sexual maturity until 150 years old. No evidence of evolutions despite being on Earth for @300 million years.

Turtles: No evidence of evolution for millions of years. Really? The current turtle is the best “model” that evolution could come up with? One has to lay hundreds of eggs just so one or two can make it to maturity and, thus, reproduce?

Alligators: No evidence of evolution for millions of years.

Humans: Hit the evolutions jackpot in that they evolved in an improbable, dubious, and impossible short time period.

The alternative? God? So much more, so little time. More to come.

David Cassidy Was A Real Musician

This one year anniversary of David Cassidy’s passing brought back an oral history moment, one that most people don’t know about.

David was cast for the (future) hit show “The Partridge Family” because TV musical groups were going strong.  However, the producers of the show did not know he could sing and play guitar. They cast him and he was supposed to lip sync someone else who would be recorded in a studio and fake playing the guitar.

David, who is the son of a well-known TV personality Jack Cassidy, tried several times to tell them that he wanted to perform the songs himself. Finally, they stopped and listened. Boy were they excited. David recorded several hit songs and went on to play Las Vegas and many many concerts.

He became a star in his own right and the TV show was the first to showcase him.


Finally: Scientific Evidence God Does Exist

DNA model
Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

Is there a God?

All you need to know:
YES. So-called scientist says that it is unscientific to believe in creation; science has proven evolution. Really? Every since science was officially practiced (discovered), man has been trying to make life: Something that could live. So, our (creation believers) challenge to you (evolutionist) is to make something that lives. We will let you use all of recorded science, all medical practices, hundreds of years of countless prior attempts, all written documents, billions of dollars of medical equipment, billions of dollars of computer equipment, and anything else you may need. Just make something that lives. If it happened by accident you surely can do better than chance.   

The Details:
It was recently reported that the young (people) in the USA are increasingly turning away from religion. One of the most common reasons is this:

1)      I learned in college that there is no God. All the professors believe in evolution because there is no scientific evidence of creationism.

So, I’m going to prove there is a God. And no, this isn’t a new cult teaching or a revelation from a current profit. For many of you, you will be disappointed to know that I’m using the old fashion Christian Bible and SCIENCE

You only need to read this paragraph to know if it’s creation (God) or evolution (no God only nature) who spawned life and all that is in the world. To settle this discussion all evolutionist need to do is create something that lives. They claim life happened accidentally in nature due to billions of years of “chance.” If so, create something that is living. And, we will let them cheat by using billions of dollars of medical equipment, billions of dollars in medical research, and billions of dollars of computers. Scientist has always attempted to create life. Before the discovery of DNA, scientist thought it would be a simple thing. Try as they might they just can’t create a living organism, no matter how basic. We will settle for an amoeba. Creationists don’t need to prove anything. Just look around and you will see life everywhere and in every size and shape. There are over 10 million different forms of life on earth; each one has different DNA. Thus life would have had to “accidentally, through chance” happen for each of those forms. Plus just look at our world and all the wonders and beauty in it. If all this didn’t happen through evolution (a one chance in a billion, billions) then it had to have been created. Who else but God could do it?

It’s crazy that modern Darwinism claims to be steeped in science. The discovery of DNA in the modern era threw that into a tailspin. A co-discoverer of DNA (a Nobel Prize winner) is a creationist and when he was asked if he thought it possible for DNA to “happen as a random act of nature, (as in Darwinism)” he answered “No.” Then, attempting to explain evolution, he concluded: “We were seeded.” Huh? Yes, this modern creationist explains DNA as having come from outer space as a seed (just like Adam in the Bible).

One reason for the seeding explanation is that Earth is not old enough; not by billions of years, for a chance combination of the billions of particles of DNA placed exactly in order and then reduced to the size to fit into a single cell, so small a microscope is needed to see it. Something that man can’t do even now.  Then it must also be able to reproduce itself. And then, it must mutate into the ten million different life forms that are currently here on Earth.

Evolutionist had to introduce two new fields of “science” to try to explain this, theoretical biology and mathematical biology. Why these two words? The evolutionist cannot prove evolution in a way that meets recent scientific standards: They throw in “theoretical” as in theory (something unproven) and try to mask it as science by adding “biology” to it. By doing this it makes it sound as if it is science: But it isn’t. It’s biology that they can’t prove scientifically.

And then “mathematical” biology is added to try to bolster a scientific claim that it is mathematically possible to overcome the insurmountable odds against random selection in nature to produce life. Using math to prove biology? Shouldn’t they use biology to prove biology? They are trying to prove “theoretical” biology by using”mathematical biology. The evolutionist has to massage the numbers to explain that the Earth is old enough for DNA to go through a billion combinations of possibilities to finally produce life. They do this with the old bait and switch method. They talk scientific biology and then switch to the theoretical and mathematical biology; unproven sciences.

Evolutionist can’t explain life by using widely excepted standards of proof for scientific discoveries. For a scientific discovery to be excepted it must follow these rules: The discoverer must have made the discovery, must have it published in a scientific journal, must be able to fully explain it in writing, and then others, not associated with the first group, must be able to use those writings and come up with the exact same product/conclusion. Evolutionist can’t even meet the first part of this. To do so they would have to produce something that lives.

Enough is enough. Let’s just settle this right now. Scientists have billions of dollars of medical and research equipment at their disposal. In fact, several decades ago when the computer reached the speed of one megahertz, they confidently predicted that within ten years they will be able to break the DNA code. (Note; that was several decades ago and they haven’t been able to do it. Today we have computers that are more than a hundred times that speed.) We creationist challenge evolutionist to make a life form. Any life form. Just make something that lives. Of course, it then must be able to reproduce. It should be simple for them, after all, it occurred by accident in nature here on Earth; so they claim. An Earth that was nothing but water and dust blowing around. They throw in static electricity to give it the power to combine. You know, like Frankenstein.

Evolutionist can’t believe there is a God. They challenge us to explain where God came from. I don’t know where God came from. I don’t know where or how my TV came to be. I don’t know who invented it, who produced it, or who brought it to market, but I know TVs exist and I’m going to watch it, none the less. Radio waves carry a mind-boggling amount of information magically (so it seems) through the air, yet, I can’t see or feel it. However, scientists can prove its existence by using accepted scientific principles. A wristwatch is billions of time simpler than DNA, yet, I’ve not heard of someone finding one on the ground, placed there by spontaneous mixing of elements. Stone Hinge is a very basic formation. One can tell it was man made by merely looking at it. Evolutionist accepts the placement of a few boulders in a way contrary to the norm to prove they were man-made. But they won’t accept that DNA was was God made. 

Evolutionism is contrary to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which includes–and is accepted by all–that everything is in a state of decay. Everything, according to the evolutionist, except life. Instead of the wind and dust and electricity trying to seek their natural state, they combined and formed a higher state–life. The one exception?

So all you creationist, when fronted by an evolutionist, just ask them to show you. No excuses. They have all the equipment to do this. JUST SHOW US!

PS Fox news reported that paleontologists have discovered fossils of 130 million years old insects. Here is a quote from the report: It also “proves through direct fossil evidence how some morphological traits related to hatching and linked behaviors, at least in insect embryos, have been subject to a high degree of evolutionary conservatism,” according to the study’s abstract. What’s evolutionary conservatism? They are saying that there is no evidence of evolution.

PPS A new report explains the recent sighting and tagging of a bluntnose shark: Teams from “…OceanX and Florida State University, the bluntnose sixgill shark is largely still an unknown to researchers, despite having been on the planet for nearly 200 million years.” Yet,  no evidence of evolution.