Pompous Liberals

Something that makes me upset are double-faced liberals. You know, those that put black people, or other minorities, playing roles that are traditionally played by whites, whether it be in employment, sports, or entertainment, and then they step back and rube the noses of conservatives in it. WHAT?

These are the same people that fought a war to keep slavery, and when that failed, they had the government come in and put them back into slavery by promising them free stuff all paid for by “other people’s money” you know, government.

They take the position that conservatives are racist because conservatives feel that minorities don’t need special help from the government. Conservatives feel that minorities can compete on a level playing field. They don’t need pampering. Its liberals being racist for even thinking such thoughts.

But of course, this does not bode well for any minority that didn’t take advantage of free schooling, or those that chose to chip away, and eventually become addicted to drugs; or of course, where just plane lazy. If conservatives point these failing out, liberals use the power of the mass media (need I have to point out that they are totally controlled by liberals) to shout conservatives down. No one ever hears the conservative’s side.

Conservatives are kept busy trying to put out their side. Unfortunately, they are failing miserably. The number of conservatives in the mass media is just too small. Why is that? Because liberals are dishonest lying cheating creatures. As they slowly infiltrated various levels in mass media, they unabashedly promote those with similar ethics. Conservatives elevates persons using honest criteria. Meaning that some of those elevated will be conserves and some will be liberal.

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