When did this story start to smell like two-day-old fish???? It was when the perpetrators yelled (in Chicago) “This is MAGA country.” Huh. Where in Chicago is MAGA country? What street? What tiny little section? If the perpetrators yelled this, they would have been attacked and beaten before getting a block away.
What’s the real reason for the kid glove treatment of Jussie? Because it is black vs. white racism. Nearly all involved are black people, and they want to slap whites in the face by trivializing this. How will this keep America great: Trading one sin for another. Republicans fought the Civil War to make all equal. Liberals, Democrats want to cover up their slave history by making blacks slaves all over again; to government programs. This time by giving them superior rights and making Republicans pay.
It’s pandering to get votes. Then they put into place programs that hurt the black community. This flood of hate has to stop.
BTW: When was America great? When we stopped the NAZIs and communist from taking over the world, all the while stopping Japan’s invasion of Asia; it is called WWII.