Detroit Suing BLM. Huh???

Detroit taking action against BLM is breathtaking. BLM first sued the city saying that their protests against….. against….. Uh, whatever; was just them expressing their first amendment rights to free speech and the police kept them from doing so. BLM has killed more black lives than all the police in the nation. Defunding does not hurt the police, it just keeps them from protecting the public. As that protection is slowly lifted it reveals a body count of black males that is staggering. The officers will still get their pay and their retirements. Only the public suffers.

It seems BLM feels that looting and burning buildings is nothing more than free speech. Harming, by the way, innocent business owners, many of whom are black. Of course, their protests have another benefit, the rioters get free stuff. It’s that free stuff that attracts most of the rioters, not the merciless BLM. Despite the thousands of images and videos of that “free speech” BLM still says their protests were peaceful. How’s that you say? It is abetted by the national mass media’s refusal to call burning and looting as violent. They continuedly, against all logic, reported the protests as peaceful. Oh, by the way, the protesters beat anyone they think does not agree with them.

U.S. District Court Judge Laurie Michelson, a federal judge appointed by Democrats, Obama, seems to agree. She ordered the police in Detroit to not use, batons, shields, rubber bullets, and other anti-riot tools and tactics against crowds. Crowds she calls peaceful. How can police move in and push the rioters away from businesses without these tools? How can police protect anyone? And now they can’t even protect themselves.

The suit against BLM specifically states that it includes the POLICE. Wow. It includes injuries suffered by police at the hands of the “peaceful” protesters; rioters. That is what is breathtaking. An action supporting officers. And this is In Detroit. A heavily Democrat infested city.

Will we see other cities doing the same? Will Detroit stick with their suit? I’m hopeful but I’m also doubtful.

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